Digital Resources for Colleges

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Fall Events

November 2024

November 15

VIVA Open and Affordable Community Forum

This year’s theme, “Empowering Faculty and Students through Open,” seeks to explore stories about the diverse ways that adopting, adapting, and creating Open Educational Resources (OER) grants agency to both the instructors and the students creating and using the resources during their educational journey. <> For more information about the Open and Affordable Community Forum, including past Forum agendas, visit VIVA’s website (


Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center

The Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center equips the field of adult education with essential skills and resources through an equity mindset.

Featured Recordings and Information

Implementing the AI Chatbot, Live Chat, and Salesforce for Student Support

This session highlighted how TCC’s Virtual Student Support model reaches students through three tiers of service – The AI Chatbot, Live Chat, and traditional phone/email. Jen Perkinson discusses their implementation and shows data that has improved their ability to serve students faster.

Using Micro-Grants to Increase Student Access to Experiential Learning

Sara Botkin, co-director of the CETL at BRCC, and Dorothy Connelly, OVN Liaison and IT Professor, will discuss how small grants helped online students access experiential learning like internships.

Insights for Community Service in Virginia

Alexander Vanik and Analise Gammel will discuss the resources available at Serve Virginia, an organization that supports and promotes civic literacy. They will walk us through their website, introduce us to AmeriCorps and other opportunities for student service, and discuss data from their recent Virginia Community Engagement Index.

Incorporating Field Work Activities into Your Course

Dr. Holly Whistler, Coordinator of the Online Virginia Network, highlights resources you can use to develop microexperiences in any online course around the theme of field work – specifically ethnography. Find a recording of the webinar and resources, or add your own open source materials and lessons.

How to Start a Research Program on Campus

Dr. James Hewlett discusses how to set up student research on your campus in his November 30th webinar to community college faculty. He emphasized the value in “small” experiences and using the resources that already exist in your own community.